Samra’s Data Log 02/23

Chatting with people

Texting via iMessage, Whatsapp, GroupMe

Social Media scrolling and sending posts to friends via Instagram and Twitter — I have limited myself to 1hour/day on these apps

Video chatting via, FaceTime and Whatsapp

Moving around town

I used ridesharing services a total of 4 times yesterday! This is abnormal as I usually take the T or the EZ Ride bus to get around.

Accessing student lounge with student ID

Getting online

I definitely go down the YouTube rabbit hole, watching videos on nutrition, daytime talk shows, and celebrity gossip

I spend a lot of time researching products before I buy them. On this day I researched moisturizers and smoothie “boosters”

I created a month-long workout program and looked up existing exercises for inspiration and copied workout pictures to remind myself of the moves while at the gym.

Other things

I try to purchase most things on my credit card so that I can accumulate points.

Yesterday, I bought brunch for 5 people and Venmo requested those same 5 people

Listening to my audiobook (on the public library app) and to 3 podcasts on the Podcast app.