Chatting with People

I woke up for the day and couldn’t find my phone. I used my partner’s phone to Find my iPhone, so my location at the time was the same as his. When I found my phone, I sent a brief text and responded to emails.

Moving Around Town

I spent the morning walking around Manhattan, so I could be tracked via surveillance/traffic cameras. I used apple maps to navigate to Rockefeller Center, so my phone knew my location and the pace at which i was walking. I took the subway back home, so my location could be tracked by the stops I got on/off at.

Getting Online

I used instagram and facebook throughout the day, so my phone could keep track of the times I was most likely to be on/off my phone, and what kinds of content I spent time looking at.

Other Things

I bought snacks at a Hmart in the evening using my credit card. In the evening, I went to a bar and used cash, but i definitely checked social media at the bar. For dinner my partner used his name to reserve a table for two, so it’s possible that I could be traced to that location.