Tyler’s Data Log – February 22

Chatting with People

On this day, I used Messenger and Snapchat to communicate with others. I mainly messaged about what I was doing that day, both with pictures on Snapchat to my friends or message updates to my girlfriend on what I was doing and when I would be back. My snaps could locate me at MacGregor, at Boda Borg, and the place I went to dinner at. If someone wanted to, they could easily trace what I did that day just through my messages and snaps.

Moving Around Town

I stayed in my dorm until around 2:30, during which the security cameras could have caught me leaving. I walked to the Kendall T station, in which I used my MIT ID to pay the fare. I rode to Downtown Crossing and transferred to the Orange Line, riding until Malden Center. I walked to Boda Borg, in which I used a signed electronic waiver, once again marking my location. Afterwards, I had dinner at a nearby Asian restaurant, in which I used my debit card. I then traced my steps back to MacGregor, once again using my MIT ID to pay the fare at Malden Center. My day ended with me tapping into MacGregor, once again signaling my location.

Getting Online

I browsed Facebook throughout the day for roughly twenty minutes. I scrolled through various posts and some comment sections, but never liked or reacted to anything. I also played a game on my phone, Hearthstone, for about an hour online with random people, but with no communication to them.

Other Things

My phone likely tracked my location, at least while I had it on briefly when looking for food places after Boda Borg. Who knows how many cameras I passed throughout the day who could have identified me if needed.