Eileen’s Data Breadcrumbs 200219


Document access

  • Captured by
    • Google Docs
      • to check the CMS.631 syllabus and data log hand out!
    • Google Keep
      • to track data log and various other notes to self
    • Info
      • Time of access
      • Time of edit
      • Edits (text)


  • Captured by
    • Google Calendar
      • To update a rescheduled meeting
    • Info
      • Edit to calendar event
      • Time of edit for calendar event


  • Captured by
    • Broad Institute security
      • To get into lab for the work day
    • Info
      • Time + identity of tapping into building


  • Captured by
    • BostonbeaN Coffee Company
      • Guessing that this fancy coffee machine at least keeps track of how many of each drink it makes
    • Info
      • Type of drink made by the lab coffee machine


  • Captured by
    • Broad Institute
      • Bioinformatics is all about creating and working with digital data – more of a loaf of bread than data breadcrumbs here
    • Info
      • login to computing cluster
      • resources used on computing cluster
      • jobs submitted to computing cluster
      • files created+removed


Subway usage

  • Captured by
    • MBTA
      • Took the T instead of walking because I happened to be near a T stop after running errands
    • Info
      • Money used on CharlieCard
      • + 1 tap into a subway turnstile


  • Captured by
    • MIT Zesiger Fitness Center
      • For team practice
    • Info
      • Time + identity of tapping into building, locker rooms

Physical Activity

  • Captured by
    • Google Sheets
      • I’ve been keeping a workout log digitally since my first year of undergrad, it’s nice to be able to search specific workouts though having a physical notebook was nice too
    • Info
      • Workout log


Home stats

  • Captured by
    • Eversource utilities company
      • Just from living my life, having the lights on, cooking etc
      • Not sure how fine-grained the info is, but they’re at least figuring out how much to bill the house every month
    • info
      • Electricity usage (kWh used)
      • Internet usage
      • Heat + cooking gas usage

All day


  • Captured by
    • Google Chrome browser
      • Used for many searches and articles throughout the day
    • Pocket
      • To save articles that I found meaningful/interesting/want to read later
    • Info
      • Webpages visited
      • Search terms
      • Time of access
      • Webpages saved


  • captured by
    • Slack
      • for work
    • Facebook Messenger
      • to communicate with friends
    • Wechat
      • to communicate with family
    • WhatsApp
      • I normally do not use WhatsApp but an international friend who mainly uses WhatsApp was in town so we used this platform to arrange a meetup, I got to introduce her to her first taste of bubble tea
    • Gmail
      • For more official messages and receiving dormspam
    • Groupme
      • For team groupchat
    • info
      • messages sent, received
      • messages time of sending, receiving, read
      • size of messages

Phone stats

  • Captured by
    • Samsung phone manufacturer
    • Network provider
  • info
    • Mobile data usage
    • Wifi data usage
    • Battery usage

Organization stats

  • Captured by
    • Broad Institute
    • MIT
  • Info
    • Wifi usage


  • Captured by
    • Private + public security cameras in Cambridge (visual)
    • Apps on phone w/ access to location (GPS coordinates)
      • Google Maps
      • etc
    • Info
      • Presence in a certain location


  • Captured by
    • Credit card company
    • Merchant
      • Today most of the purchases I made were food
    • Budget tracking app
  • Info
    • Merchant
    • Transaction time+date
    • Transaction amount
    • Transaction type (restaurant, groceries, etc)

Physical activity

  • Captured by
    • Samsung Health
      • Automatically tracked though I’m sure I can turn off some of the tracking
    • Info
      • Est steps
      • Est distance walked
      • Est calories burned
      • Est distance walked at diff points in the day
      • Estimated time asleep (calculated from when user is not active on phone)